Friday, May 3, 2013

POTASSIUM ... AGAIN. And other revelations.

So remember that post from forever ago about the magical healing powers of potassium? Yeah, well eventually those potassium pills started to really hurt my stomach, so I stopped taking them before long. I mean, potassium as a cure for depression? I didn't even really believe myself. However, recent evidence suggests I may not have been wrong. I asked my primary care doctor if it was possible that I had a potassium deficiency but she told me not to worry about it because it was so unlikely. But I figured, hey, how harmful could a multivitamin be, especially considering the tragically unbalanced diet my IBS forces me to eat? So a few months ago I started taking potassium again, along with a multivitamin and melatonin, as suggested by a sleep specialist. It was like deja vu. Over the next few weeks I started to feel happier, more motivated, and more awake during the daytime. I even started sleeping normal human hours. One day I even woke up at 7:20 before my alarm went off. So basically, magic. Or the world's best placebo reaction.

I went back to college to visit for a bit and worked some things out with the professors and the administration. I secured my old, sweet room for myself for next fall (told you I would). I spent many days in the library of the sci-fi club, cleaning it out and cataloguing hundreds of books. I got up at a reasonable hour every morning and kept myself busy for weeks, running around until I had blisters on the bottoms of my feet. I secured myself a summer internship in Japan. I. Even. Have. Eyebrows. Real, human eyebrows made out of hair. I haven't had to draw them on all year. In other words, success started happening again in my life and it's such a sweet, sweet feeling. It hasn't been perfect. I've had a perpetual, phlegmy cough for about four weeks, the potassium has started to hurt my stomach again, and I've spent many days doing nothing but watching TV and doing puzzles until late at night. But that's not so bad. I have something that can be called control. I felt like doing something tangible today, so I sat down and started writing a blog post. Because I wanted to. If I want to wake up early, I can. My biggest problem in life right now is my rapidly shedding cats. Although, by Monday that will probably have changed to the horrendous pain in my jaw (I'm finally getting my wisdom teeth out).

Basically, my life's been turning around, and not just in the way that people say when they're in a good mood. This has been constant, consistent change for several months. Though it still remains to be seen how I will react to the strict schedule and heavy homework load of the fall semester, I have high hopes. And I still have a month before I have to catch a plane to Japan. Let's see how much I can get done before then. Maybe I'll get back to that book I'm supposed to be writing. Maybe I'll do that right now. Why not? I can do whatever I want.

1 comment:

  1. You will be wonderful. 頑張って!
